Tel: +49 (0)2173 964280


Chemical and Technical Services

Legislation Regarding Chemicals (Hazardous Substance Law)

1. Drafting of EU Product Data Safety Sheets, according to 91/155/EU or 93/112/EU

2. Labelling of hazardous substances.

3. Classification of substances and preparation of products

4. Drafting of technical data sheets and product documentation

5. Drafting of hazardous substance cadastres

6. Registration of products according to biocide guidelines, washing and cleaning detergent laws and poison control centres according to § 16GefStoffV (German law), REACH registrations, etc.

7. Reengineering of products, replication and simulation of competitor products (own laboratory)

8. Laboratory services (product and quality control)

9. Supporting literature and patent research


Hazardous Materials Law (Transportation of Chemicals)

1. General hazardous materials consultation for all transport carriers

2. Classification of hazardous materials

3. Labelling of hazardous materials and hazardous materials transport

4. Drafting of accompanying/supporting documentation like continual updating of all accident documentation, including domestic and international

5. Presentation of documents to external risk prevention officers

6. Supply of special packaging for hazardous material transport

7. Training and education of agents/contractors according to the GbV (German law)


Chemicals and Environmental Protection

1. Execution of company audit according to environmental protection legislation.

2. Development of environmental information and environmental protection management systems.

3. Drafting of environmental risk analysis

4. Drafting of company environmental handbooks

5. Drafting of alarm and hazard defence plans

6. Compliance inspection of mandatory requirements of water law

7 Compliance inspection of mandatory requirements of waste law

8. Compliance inspection of mandatory requirements of emission/pollution law

9. Analysis of workplaces with respect to TRGS or MAK values.

10. Training of employees concerning ordinances on industrial safety and health (BetriebsSichV), GefstoffV and operational environmental protection.

11. Execution of authorization, approval and licensing according to German emission control law (Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetz - BimSchG

12. Compliance with water resources law (VAWS), etc.

13. Laboratory services, sample filling, filling in small quantities


